Breaking Changes in TanStack Query v5

TanStack Query v5 introduces several breaking changes and improvements. Here’s a detailed overview:

1. Unified Object Signature

Previously, useQuery and similar hooks had multiple overloads. Now, they all use a single object format:

// Old
useQuery(key, fn, options);
useInfiniteQuery(key, fn, options);
useMutation(fn, options);

// New
useQuery({ queryKey, queryFn, ...options });
useInfiniteQuery({ queryKey, queryFn, ...options });
useMutation({ mutationFn, ...options });

2. Query Client Methods

Methods on queryClient and queryCache now also use the unified object format:

// Old
queryClient.isFetching(key, filters);
queryClient.ensureQueryData(key, filters);

// New
queryClient.isFetching({ queryKey, ...filters });
queryClient.ensureQueryData({ queryKey, ...filters });

3. Simplified Query State Methods

Methods getQueryData and getQueryState now only accept queryKey:

// Old
queryClient.getQueryData(queryKey, filters);

// New

4. Removed Callbacks from useQuery

Callbacks like onSuccess, onError, and onSettled are removed from useQuery and QueryObserver.

5. New Refetch Interval

refetchInterval now only gets query passed:

// Old
refetchInterval: number | false | ((data, query) => number | false | undefined);

// New
refetchInterval: number | false | ((query) => number | false | undefined);

6. Remove Method

remove method is removed from useQuery. Use queryClient.removeQueries({queryKey: key}) instead:

const queryClient = useQueryClient();
const query = useQuery({ queryKey, queryFn });

// Old

// New
queryClient.removeQueries({ queryKey });

7. Minimum TypeScript Version

The minimum required TypeScript version is now 4.7.

8. isDataEqual Option Removed

Use structuralSharing instead:

import { replaceEqualDeep } from '@tanstack/react-query';

// Old
isDataEqual: (oldData, newData) => customCheck(oldData, newData);

// New
structuralSharing: (oldData, newData) => customCheck(oldData, newData) ? oldData : replaceEqualDeep(oldData, newData);

9. Rename cacheTime to gcTime

Reflects its true purpose as “garbage collect” time:

const queryClient = new QueryClient({
  defaultOptions: {
    queries: {
      // Old
      cacheTime: 10 * MINUTE,
      // New
      gcTime: 10 * MINUTE,

10. useErrorBoundary Renamed

Renamed to throwOnError for clarity:

// Old
useErrorBoundary: true;

// New
throwOnError: true;

11. Removed Deprecated keepPreviousData

Use placeholderData with an identity function instead:

import { useQuery, keepPreviousData } from "@tanstack/react-query";

const { data, isPlaceholderData } = useQuery({
  placeholderData: keepPreviousData,

12. Refetch on Focus and Network Status Changes

visibilitychange event is used exclusively for refetching on focus. navigator.onLine is no longer relied upon.

13. Removed Custom Context Prop

Pass a custom queryClient instance directly to isolate hooks:

import { queryClient } from './my-client';

const { data } = useQuery({
  queryKey: ['users', id],
  queryFn: () => fetch(...),

14. New Hydration API

Hydrate component renamed to HydrationBoundary:

// Old
import { Hydrate } from '@tanstack/react-query';

// New
import { HydrationBoundary } from '@tanstack/react-query';

15. Removed Manual Mode for Infinite Queries

Use getNextPageParam and getPreviousPageParam instead:

  queryFn: ({ pageParam }) => fetchSomething(pageParam),
  initialPageParam: 0,
  getNextPageParam: (lastPage) =>,

16. New Features

  • Optimistic Updates: Simplified way to perform optimistic updates.
  • Limited Infinite Queries: Use the maxPages option to limit stored pages.
  • Enhanced Prefetching: Prefetch multiple pages for infinite queries.

Migration Guide

To ease the migration, use the provided codemod:

# For .js or .jsx files
npx jscodeshift@latest ./path/to/src/ \
  --extensions=js,jsx \

# For .ts or .tsx files
npx jscodeshift@latest ./path/to/src/ \
  --extensions=ts,tsx \
  --parser=tsx \

Remember to run prettier and/or eslint after applying the codemod.

By following these guidelines, you can smoothly transition to TanStack Query v5 and take advantage of its new features and improvements.

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